Majority of people spend a good part of their lives in buildings which provide shelter either in the form of a home (villa or apartment) or an office (commercial institutions) or a shop. The ancient Indian science of building construction namely Vasthu stipulates how one can achieve maximum benefits and live a life of happiness and well being by building in such a way that the elements of nature in balance. The same is also advocated by the Chinese science of Feng shui. The historical significance of Vasthu is enough evidence of how the science of building was connected with life.

The simplest brief is that Vasthu specifies how best the environmental energy can be utilized to benefit to inhabitants of any building. The size of the buildings (including the length, breadth, height)< and the shape of building are very important in Vasthu based positioning. It is a common observation that money spent for beautification of the building or for providing modern amenities for improvement of a person’s comfort and luxury has nothing to do with the over all progress, prosperity and peace he gets after staying in that building. However the future financial position (income, expenditure, liability, savings etc), health (memory power, illness, physical growth etc), social relationships ( mutual understanding, co-operation, relationship with neighbors, friends and relatives ) and well being of children (health, education, career, marriage etc) are directly related to the size, shape and location of the building in which one resides. Whether the resident is an owner in possession of the building or is a tenant in occupation of the building, the results are more or less similar. The capacity and capability of the incumbent has only a marginal influence over the general position. A close observation of the result one gets out of life in the building indicates that “A house that the man shapes has the power to shape his future” which is also a key them of Feng Shui. The size and shape of the building and the orientation based on the location are as significant as the availability of good light, plenty ness of water and purity of air in the area.

Modern constructions can very well adapt the principles of Vasthu without compromising comfort. Even if one constructs a small house, the Vasthu measurements with “Mangala Yogam” (giving overall progress) “Amritha Yogam” (giving good health) “Lakshmi Yogam” (giving good wealth) etc. will ensure progress and prosperity.

On the other hand, if the measurements are linked to Marana yogam (death), Adhamam (negative impact) or Agnikhandam (fire segment) the results will definitely be bad. Apart from protection, from rain, hot sun, extreme cold conditions, dangerous animals, or simply being a statement of luxury and status the house should also offer us better health, wealth and prosperity. Vasthu vidya ensures that good measurement and shape suitable to each location will definitely yield good results. The following are the major points to be taken into account while designing a building for our dwelling.

Indian Vasthu shastra as well as its Chinese counter part Feng-Shui recognizes the South West corner as the most important part in building designing. It should never be vacant or with lower weight. Water bodies like well, tank and sump in this area is not at all advisable. A depth in the South West corner of the land will lead to financial difficulties and excessive expenditure. The progress and prosperity will be affected if a kitchen, toilet, bath room or a chimney is positioned in the South West. Even a car porch or a gate opening (level lower than the other areas) will erode money and affect the health of the inhabitants. This corner is most suitable for Master Bed rooms. The South West corner should be in 90 degrees angle to get best results.

A projection to the South in any form (verandah, rooms, car porch, toilet, chimney etc.) to the South side of the building will lead to financial difficulties and mental disturbances. It will also affect blood pressure and sleep. A dip in the South East corner will definitely affect the mental health of the inhabitants. The”U” shapes in the Southern part of the building (i.e. with projection at South West and South East) will lead to poverty and ill health.

Projection to West as well as dip in Western side has direct bearing on the memory power of the inhabitants. It also affects the progress, prosperity and education of children. A”U” shape to the West (i.e. with projection in both South West and North West) will aggravate the bad effect.

The position of fire (Agni corner) is the South East and hence the most suitable place for the kitchen is the South-East corner of the house. However since the wind flow in Kerala is mostly from the West and the South-West, preference is given to the North-East (Sivan moola) which is considered to be suitable for preparation of food. Care should be taken to ensure that the chimney or gas stove is not positioned across (or in straight line with) any door opening, which will lead to increase in blood pressure of the person engaged in cooking and result in heated arguments, quarrel etc in the house. The Chimney/stove shall be positioned in such a way that the person cooking is facing either towards the East or North direction only.

The most suitable portion for the master Bed room is the South-West. The bed shall be placed to ensure that the head is always towards the South or the East and that the cot is never across a door opening. A door opening across the bed position will lead to joint pains and arthritic difficulties. Medicines may become non effective in such cases resulting in prolonged illness. The second bed room can be on the western side or the Southern side. However, a bed room is not advisable in South East corner as it may lead to discord and arguments amongst the inhabitants. Care should also be taken to make sure that there are only four specific corners to the bed rooms. Rooms with conical shapes are very much unsuitable for use as bed rooms. A window right across the bed room door will help to improve personal relationships.

Measurements of the building as well as that of the rooms therein are as important as the positioning. Correct measurements will ensure synchronized air flow in the rooms and help increasing the positive energy therein. This has of course, a direct bearing on the health of the inhabitants. Rooms with rectangular shapes are much better than square shaped rooms. As far as the shape of the building is concerned one has to be very careful. Projections to the South or to the West are always negative and a projection to East from the Southern end is always positive. “U” shape to East and north are considered to be very good as they enrich the positive energy in the house.

A little planning during the initial stages can help in turning one’s dream home or work place to a sanctuary of prosperity and happiness.
The road on the east side should be lower than the plot and the slope while constructing the from south towards the east direction i.e. from the rear of the house towards the front.

Open Space
Open space in the front of the house should be more in comparison to the back side i.e. more in east than in the south-west.

The main entrance gate to the house should in the northern half of the front. It brings peace in the house. The gate in design should not be in arc shape i.e. higher in the middle in comparison to the sides.
North - East of the plot should be the lower in construction in comparison to the south-west the floor levels as well as the top roof/terrace levels of the house.

Boundary Wall
The front wall for a east facing house should be lower than the back wall. The east wall may be constructed at the end of the construction, i.e. after constructing the house. The boundary wall in south-west portion should be wider than walls in the north-east.

Water Storage/Sump
Never construct the water storage tank in the back/rear portion of the house. It can be in the either in the eastern part or the northern, but not in the center portion in the front/eastern wall

Bathrooms can be constructed in the south-east or south-west portion of the house. Even north-east.

The main door to the house can be in the north-east or mid-east portion of the house door should never be in the south-east of the house.

Balconies should be in the north-east of the house and never in the south as rays of the morning are beneficial. If any verandahs are constructed in the south-west portion comparatively bigger verandahs must be provided in the north-east direction.

The master bedroom should be constructed in the south-west of the house, should never sleep with head towards the north as this might result in sleeplessness.

Prayer Room
Prayer room should be in the north-east of the house. One’s face should be towards the east window in the north-east wall is beneficial. And the ceiling of the prayer room should be lower.

Staier Case
The stairs should be constructed in the south, west, or south-west portion of the house, and clockwise if turning.

The kitchen should be in the south-east of the house. The lady of the house should face north-west. Fridge should be in the north-west of the kitchen or south-east.

More construction should be done in the back portion the house in comparison to the front portion. A terrace in the north-east portion is beneficial.

Septic Tank
Septic tank can be constructed in the mid-north or mid east.

No tall trees should be planted in the north-east, however south-west can be used for plantation. North east is beneficial. If you like to keep a fountain, it can be installed in the north.

Overhead Tank
Overhead tank should be in the south portion of the house, and must be raised a few inches.


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