Doctors to go on strike from February 27

KOCHI: The Kerala Government Medical Officers' Association (KGMOA) will go on a non-cooperation strike from February 27 in protest against failure of the Pay Commission to honour the Government Order to merge the special pay and special allowance with the basic pay of doctors in Health Services.

The State committee of the KGMOA took this decision at a meeting here on Sunday. It said the government had failed to implement the order. The order was issued in 2008 after an agreement was reached between striking doctors and the government. The order was also submitted to the High Court as an affidavit in certain cases relating to doctors in Health Services.

The new package devised by the government was implemented as also the new changes in Health Services with administrative and specialty cadres of doctors. But, the government failed to give the new rules as terms of reference to the new Pay Commission.

The KGMOA representatives waited for the government to study the Pay Commission report and present the facts before the Cabinet sub-committee, but their requests to re-consider the Pay Commission's proposals were not considered. “The Government is legally and morally bound to implement its own order,” said Junaid Rahman, former president of KGMOA.

“We will take up only hospital duties during the strike,” said Pramila Devi, president of KGMOA. The doctors will boycott VIP duties, festival duties, review meetings called by the District Health authorities, conferences, training programmes and other programmes that are part of the State Health Service programmes.

The strike will begin on Pulse Polio day. However, the doctors would associate with the programme but would not submit reports, said Dr. Pramila.


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